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  • FILM: Zero, an investigation into 9/11
    (September 10, 2009)

  • July 4, 2009: Takoma Park Fourth of July Parade

    July 4 2009 The "Truth-mobile" rides again!

    This was our fourth year participating in the Takoma Park Fourth of July Parade.

    We had a great time spreading the truth to a very receptive crowd. We handed out thousands of flyers and the special edition of the Rock Creek Free Press newspaper.

    The picnic after the parade at Sue's was fun and festive.

    Thanks to all who helped.

    Saturday July 11: CIT Presentation

    National Security Briefing – Sensitive Information

    Deconstructing the 9/11 Pentagon Attack
    With Citizen Investigation Team and Pilots for 9/11 Truth
    Sponsored by The Wisdom Fund —

    July 11, 2009
    10:00 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.
    NRECA Conference Center
    4301 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA

    The presentation will reveal groundbreaking, independent, verifiable evidence with serious geopolitical and historical implications. It will feature a detailed deconstruction of the Flight Data Recorder information — allegedly from the black box of Flight 77 — released by the National Transportation Safety Board in 2006. A simulation of the official flight path based on this data, with carefully constructed topography and obstacles, will be compared to physical aircraft limitations by a certified pilot. The data and the physical damage will also be compared with first-hand videorecorded, witness accounts from Pentagon police, Arlington Cemetery employees, and Arlington citizens. This timely presentation, with rare photos and videos, challenges and undermines the official account of what happened on that tragic September 11, 2001.

    July 14-16: Richard Gage, Architects for 9/11 Truth

    Richard Gage will be in Washington for an AIA conference July 14 to 16 (Tue-Thur). Richard Gage of will be presenting his findings about the WTC building collapses to other architects and engineers at the regional AIA conference here in Washington, DC Tuesday thru Thursday July 14-16. On Thursday, July 16, Mr Gage will be making presentations at the Washington Convention Center, room 141. The architects will be showing the 30 minute film "9/11: Blueprint for Truth" on the hour throughout the day (10am - 4pm) with live Q&A following each showing.

    On the evening of Thursday July 16 Richard Gage will be making a presentation at the Busboys and Poets restaurant (14th and V St. NW). Two shows at 6:00pm and 8:00 pm. A donation of $10 at the door is suggested.

    Inaugurate Yourself (Tuesday, Jan 20, 2009)

    Inaugural Events

    Inaugurate Yourself Logo

    Counter-Inaugural Party

    Tuesday January 20, 6-10 PM at Lyon Park Community Center

    Join us for a counter-inaugural bash. Sander Hicks of Vox Pop fame is touring the country promoting peace, truth and accountability. His tour culminates with a bash here in the DC area on the night of the Obama Inauguration, January 20, at the Lyon Park Community Center in Arlington. This Counter-Inaugural Party will feature music, refreshments and spirited political speeches.

    Special Guests:
    Webster Tarpley: author of Obama: The Postmodern Coup: The Making of a Manchurian Candidate and The Unauthorized Biography of Barack Obama
    Sander Hicks: founder of Vox Pop and author of The Big Wedding, 9/11, the Whistle-Blowers, and the Cover-Up.
    Matt Sullivan: founder and editor of the Rock Creek Free Press

    Admission $15 * 6-10 PM Jan 20 at Lyon Park Community Center 414 N. Fillmore St., Arlington, VA

    New 9/11 Brochure for Obama Inauguration

    DC 911Truth has produced an attractive new brochure to be distributed at the Obama Inauguration and surrounding events. On the cover, President Obama is asked to "help America learn the truth about 9/11," but the interior is aimed at general audiences who may not be aware of problems with the official account, or who may be quick to dismiss any questions as conspiracy theories.

    In a concise and straightforward way, the brochure presents the many facts that challenge the 9/11 Commission Report (including doubts expressed by Co-Chairs Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton themselves), as well as contradictions in the accepted narrative about air defense, the alleged hijackers, the destruction of the World Trade Center, and the anthrax attacks. Only statements that could be verified in mainstream news sources were included and carefully footnoted, so as to maximize the credibility of the piece.

    At the end, readers are asked to face a difficult reality: 9/11 could not have occurred without high-level complicity from inside the U.S. government. They are urged to learn the truth and tell others‹especially the media and Congress‹with the goal of opening a new, truly independent investigation.

    justanidea 911blogger

    Lobby Training Documents

    Lobbying Congress on 9-11 Truth (1 page)
    Presenters' Notes (4 pages)
    Finest Hour (Print as 1 page, 2 sides)
    Addendum on Misprision (1 page)
    Supplement on 9/11: General (1 page)
    Supplement on 9/11: Conflicts of Interest (1 page)
    Supplement on Impeaching Bush & Cheney (1 page)
    Supplement on Restoring Our Constitutional Rights (1 page)
    Dr. Robert Bowman's 3 minute video on the collapse of
         World Trade Center 7 for use in lobbying congress

    List of DC 9/11 Truth Events

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  • Meetings: All are welcome

    Saturday January 11, 2025 7:00-10 PM
    Second Saturday of the month

  • IHOP 775 Rockville Pike
    Rockville, MD 20852
  • Late arrivals always welcome. Look for the table with someone wearing a red hat.
  • Questions: Please call 240-644-5230

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    on a White House investigation

    DC 9/11 Truth releases latest brochure

    View/Print brochure PDF (2 pages)

    Quality prints available from DC 9/11 Truth in bulk. Order a batch of 200 professionally printed brochures for $15 (7.5 cents each, at cost), plus shipping.

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